Appraisal Confirmation

Appraisal Confirmation| {{ deal.street }}
Hello {{ deal.firstNames }},
This is to confirm that the appraisal has been scheduled for {{ deal.appraisalDate }}.
For planning purposes - typically the appraiser’s inspection will take around a ½ hour, and it is preferred that you not be home during that time. If you must be there, please try to maintain social distancing, as the appraisers have preventative safety policies in place.
In preparation for your appraisal, here are a few pointers:
- Please make sure the house is “show ready” since we are shooting for the best value possible
- Please turn on lights and have blinds/curtains open
- NOTE - the appraiser will be taking their own pictures of each room and the yard
- Ensure clear access to critical inspection areas:
- Electric panel, subpanels, sump pump, and furnace
- Attic hatches. For hatches in closets, move any nearby items that might get insulation on them
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you!