August 5, 2020

Shaker - The ultimate real estate marketing calendar

DeAnn Hawkins
DeAnn Hawkins

As a real estate agent, you know how important your sphere of influence is for your business.

From generating new sales leads to finding the perfect buyer for a home to earning a repeat client, your sphere can be the driving force behind your success as an agent.  

But nurturing your sphere is also hard work. It takes a consistent drumbeat of relevant and memorable touches to keep those relationships warm and stay top of mind.

Building a plan to nurture your sphere of influence

One of the best ways to ensure you don’t let relationships slip through the cracks is to build a plan. The best laid plan includes a mix of 1:1 personal touches and some other fun ones that can be one to many. Good examples of timed 1:1 touches are birthdays, home anniversaries, promotions, new baby, high school or college graduations. These can be through a variety of mediums like handwritten notes, phone calls, text messages or comments on social media.

A good rule of thumb is to attempt personal touches 2x per year. From there, you can mix in the emails, events and other fun ways to connect with clients throughout the year.  We’ve created a google calendar to make this part easy.  Subscribe to our real estate marketing holidays and ideas calendar and never miss another opportunity to connect with your sphere of influence.

Click here to subscribe to the ultimate real estate holiday and marketing calendar.

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