June 3, 2021

Be a Buyer Whisperer: 21 Questions to Ask Buyers to deliver the perfect home search experience.

DeAnn Hawkins
DeAnn Hawkins

Everyone’s version of home is different and it’s important as a realtor to find a home for your buyers that’s a perfect match.  While setting up a thorough property search with the right amount of bedrooms, and bathrooms, or perhaps a requirement of a basement or home office is a good place to start, there are a number of intangible factors you can uncover by getting to know your buyers better and asking the right questions.

Understanding these intangible factors that aren’t as easily plugged into a property search can provide a highly personalized experience for your buyers which benefits everyone.  Happier clients are more likely to refer you to friends and family and dialing in on the right fit at the start of the process can also save you time in the long run.

To find the perfect house you must really get to know someone and understand their desired lifestyle beyond the walls of their home. The best way to do this is to ask effective open-ended questions. Think of yourself as part therapist, part matchmaker.

In many cases, you may be able to introduce your clients to new neighborhoods or areas they hadn’t considered before that are a great match for them.

21 Questions to achieve perfect property search personalization

Invite your clients out for a coffee or a beer and try these targeted open ended questions to uncover key lifestyle factors that will influence your buyers purchase decision.


Where do you work and what do you consider to be a comfortable commute? 

If you change jobs are you likely to stay in the same area?

Do you ever work from home?


What do you like to do for fun?

Do you have any hobbies that are impacted by where you live? This is very important if a hobbyist space is needed such as a sewing room, workshop or even access to safe running or bike paths.

How often do you go out to restaurants? What are some of your favorites?

Family & Friends:

Do you have plans to start a family in the next 5 years? If yes, how do you see that impacting your living situation?

Where do your children currently attend school or daycare? 

Have you researched schools in the area or thought about whether you’d utilize the public or private school systems?

Do you have any pets? If so, what's a day in the life of your pet? Perhaps a fenced yard is needed or simply access to a nearby dog park.

Does your extended family live nearby or will they ever come for extended visits? 

Do you plan to entertain often?


What do you like/don’t like about where you currently live or the home you grew up in?

How do you feel about up and coming neighborhoods?

How long do you plan to live in this home?

Just for fun:

Are you a DIY kind of person or do you call a professional at the first sign of trouble?

Is there a home feature you’ve always wanted like a laundry chute or a toilet room?

In your opinion, what makes a person a bad neighbor?

What’s your favorite TV show home & why?

Do you lean toward being a minimalist or a hoarder?

Would you rather see your neighbor walking around naked from your kitchen window or see a coyote from your kitchen window?

Once you've mastered the art of the buyer interview, you can change your title to Licensed Real Estate Agent and Home Matchmaking Specialist.

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